If you just hooked up and now wondering what to text after hooking up, you’re on the right post! Scroll down and read below.

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Sometimes I just stare at my phone and panic when their status says ‘online’ because I’ve just been typing and deleting what I wanted to send them. We’ve all been in that place where we hooked up with someone, it was amazing, and we want to talk to them again – but how do we do that?
How do you even start the conversation? Do you text them after you’ve arrived home? Is that too fast?
First off, you don’t want to seem desperate, that’s for sure. But how do you show them you’re interested in doing it again without really giving everything away?
I’ve personally tested the waters, and I can say this; if you’re wondering what to text after hooking up, make sure you know the answer to this question.
What are you looking for?
- Are you looking for a relationship with him?
- Do you just want a FWB kind of situation?
- Or are you just trying to thank him for a good time?
Because not only does this change what to text after hooking up, but this also changes your feelings towards them.
1. Looking for something more serious.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to look for a relationship with someone you hooked up with. The chemistry was there, and you felt safe when you were with them. It’s simple, and it’s okay to feel that way – all you need to do now is to ask them if they’re also on the same place as you.
So here’s what to text after hooking up if you’re looking for a relationship;
- I miss you, do you want to come over?
- I can’t stop thinking about you…
- Want to see a movie together this weekend?
- How was work?
The last one might not be a good idea to send right after the hook up, but it’s a good start for small talk, get them to open up a little and you’ll also know more about them.
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2. Looking for strictly FWB, no strings attached.
I understand it can sometimes be daunting to ask for something specific. Sometimes asking for strictly FWB can even offend the other person – if done incorrectly. What you want is for the other person to understand that you’re not looking for something serious right now, you just want to have fun, and hopefully so do they.
Here’s what to text after hooking up – and if you’re looking for it again;
- Compliment their moves.
- After last night, I’m a little weak in the knees.
- Send them sexy pictures
A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. If you send them a ‘picture’ they’ll definitely know what it means. Though you always want to be careful not to send your personal pictures to just anyone.
3. It was a one and done.
Maybe the chemistry isn’t very strong with this one – maybe you weren’t quite that satisfied, and you might not want to see them again. That’s completely fine too! Though for this one, rather than asking what to text after hooking up, maybe it’s better not to text.
They’ll get the hint. Unless they keep texting you, then you can tell them that it was fun, you had a good time, but you probably shouldn’t see each other again. Simple as that. Being direct hurts less than beating around the bush.
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So there you have it; what to text after hooking up. All you need to keep in mind is to be polite, keep it simple, be considerate, and always be honest. We always encourage honest dating around here.