Dating apps are changing, so what you say on a dating app also has to change. Here’s some tips!

Maintaining a conversation or even starting a conversation is difficult for some. It can be intimidating and it can tire you out. Plus, you don’t want to seem like you’re the only one making an effort here! So the trick is to not make it too obvious or seem like you’re trying to prolong the conversation too much. If it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work – but that also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put any effort in.
I know it sounds like I’m talking in circles, but what I mean is that balance is everything. You can’t only keep asking questions – it’s like they’re being interrogated, but you also can’t only answer questions – where’s your interest?
What To Say On A Dating App
1. State what you’re thinking
Let me elaborate. If you laughed when reading their profile, tell them! Don’t just swipe and match, let them know that their profile is funny and it made you laugh, or tell them which part made you laugh. It may seem unnecessary to you, but it’s conversation. If they don’t respond in a way that can be replied to, then don’t. That’s their problem.
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2. Ask weird questions
It could be just a random question not pertaining to anything, or something that you saw on their profile. For example; you see their profile says they’re a foodie, ask them; “if you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
Literally there’s so many options you can take to make conversation!
3. Give them a compliment
“You’re such a positive person, it’s contagious!” “I love that shirt you’re wearing on your 2nd pic.” They’ll say thank you, some people would return the compliment and then you’ll have things to talk about. Plus, everyone loves getting a compliment! It’s a mood and confidence booster. If you compliment someone (genuinely) it almost immediately puts you in their good list.
Make sure it’s not forced though.
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4. More random questions
A ‘hi’ is boring nowadays. Keep things interesting by asking random questions like ‘red or white’ or ‘blueberries or strawberries’ or anything really. It doesn’t have to be related to their profile, it could just be something you thought of in the spur of the moment. Sometimes spontaneity wins!
5. Philosophical questions
This doesn’t always hit home though. Philosophical questions can be very deep, so you can go as deep as you like (that’s what she said). Some questions in philosophy are; “what is love”, “what makes us human?”, “do all people deserve respect?” and there’s plenty more.
6. Their taste in music
Everyone listens to music, though maybe not the same genre. You can ask what kind of music do they listen to, and before you know it you’ll be creating playlists for each other. And, who knows? Maybe you have the same taste in music and you’ll spend time together because of that.
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When asking yourself what to say on a dating app, one thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to stand out. People get 1-2 matches if not more on a daily, so in order to stand out you need to up your creativity, and not be scared to be a little weird! Everyone’s got a little weird in them!