What does situationship mean? Situationships are more commonly seen than you think. You might be in a situationship and not be aware of it.

What Does Situationship Mean in 2022?
Situationship is a term used to describe a relationship between two individuals who are not officially committed. Such relationships tend to last more than mere sexual encounters and less than more serious romantic ones; they exist in an ambiguous timeframe and both parties may or may not be aware of it.
If you’re asking yourself what does situationship mean and if you’re in one now, then read these 5 signs and figure it out!
You feel like the relationship isn’t going anywhere
So what does situationship mean? If you feel as though you aren’t making progress with your relationship, it’s probably time for a reality check. For example, if you’ve been dating for a while now but have yet to meet each other’s parents, arguably this is an important milestone in the relationship to break through. It’s definitely worth noting that everyone grows at different paces and that there’s no exact timeline to a healthy relationship other than just following your gut on when things are going well. However, being honest with yourself about where your relationship truly stands compared to what you had originally imagined is always important.
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Your relationship has no boundaries
If you discover that your partner is romantically or sexually involved with one or more people outside the relationship (without your permission of course), you may be in a situationship. Even within an open, multi-partner relationship, couples must still actively define what they are and are not willing to do together to avoid any hurt feelings later.
You only make last-minute plans
People in relationships often have a well-defined set of plans in which they know in advance not only the days but also the times designated for various events. People in a situationship don’t have a list of dates and times when they might be able to see each other, much less make plans together. One way you can tell if someone is genuinely interested in you or simply using you for your convenience is by noticing whether or not they make time to see you. If they’re only making last-minute plans, then dating you isn’t their first priority.
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You don’t discuss the future
In a relationship, two of the most important factors often discussed are past and future. These conversations echo where both people have been and where they hope to go on a long-term basis. But not for situationships. Why? The answer is simple: I won’t be with you for long, why spend time talking about the future?
There’s no consistency
One of the major appeals of a relationship with someone you love is that you can count on seeing and talking to them regularly. But what does situationship mean? Does it exist in a relationship? Situationships are an entirely different story. You may see them this week, but don’t expect it to be the same next week.
Okay, so now you know what does situationship mean, and you’re probably in a situationship. What next? If you’re happy with what you have and don’t want to change it, that’s fine. But first ask yourself: Am I really happy?
Make sure you’re not putting other things in front of your own needs and wants just because other people want them.