Want to hookup tonight? Read these sexual pick up lines to use on guys and get some fun tonight, we’ll help you get there 😉

Sometimes girls have to start the conversation. And sometimes starting a conversation on tinder with ‘hi, how are you’ or ‘what’s up’ can be really boring. So the solution to that is to make up some sexual pick up lines to use on guys, but that’s not entirely easy to do, isn’t it?
How do you make sexual pick up lines to use on guys? Which category do you choose? Is it smooth pickup lines? Cringy pickup lines? Sweet pickup lines? Or should you send sexy pickup lines?
Sending Sexy Pick Up Lines in a Hookup Dating Site
There’s so many to choose from!
Don’t worry, we have the solution to your problem here is a list of smooth pickup lines (including sweet, sexy, funny, etc.) that you can use on your dating app matches.
Pick up lines to use on guys;
- Could you please hold this hand for me as I go walk in the park?

- Hey, please keep your distance. I might fall for you any time.

- I am not quite certain what you think of me. I just hope it’s at least R-rated.
- Just so you know, my lips won’t just kiss themselves.

- That shirt looks great on you! Guess what? So would I.

- My hands feel cold. Can I put them in your pants to warm up?
- Wow, such nice pants you have! Mind if I test the zipper?
Want to try these sexual pick up lines to use on guys? Download DOWN hookup app for IOS or DOWN Hookup App for Android now and start flirting!
- You seem like a hard worker. I’ve got an opening you can fill.

- Wanna go bowling? I’ll give you a chance to pin me down.

- Nice shirt! Is it made of boyfriend material?

- I think I’m lost. Can you give me the directions to your heart?

- I just lost my phone number. Can I have yours instead?

- You’re so handsome. Can I tell that to you again next Saturday over dinner?

Confidence, confidence, confidence. That’s all you need! These smooth pickup lines for him are great for starting a conversation in tinder.
Make sure you’re also comfortable with sending these sexy pick up lines to your dating app matches, and make sure they’re also on board! If the guy doesn’t seem like they’re into the best pick up lines in tinder, switch to sweet pickup lines and see if he likes them better!
40 Pick Up Lines In Spanish To Use On Guys (With Translation)