If you’re stuck and wondering how to end a situationship, we have all the answers here in this article. Read through and find out more!

Situationships aren’t always fun — sometimes you get too attached to the other person, and by the time you realize you’re catching feelings… it’s too late. You’re head over heels for them, you realize you want to be with them, but they don’t.
So now you’re heartbroken, you don’t know what to do, and you ask Google; how to end a situationship?
The answer is not that easy, is somewhat a hard pill to swallow, but we’ll get you there.
How to end a situationship?

1. Let them know what you’re looking for, but don’t expect them to look for the same.
It’s tough knowing that you probably get along really well but maybe either you or them aren’t ready for the next step. It sucks, but you can’t force them to be in a place they don’t want to. Same goes for them.
And sure, you can say it’s okay, you’ll stay and and you’re fine with how things are, but for how long can you stand that? Are you just waiting for things to change, hoping that they’ll change their minds?
I think it’s time for a wakeup call and change things up. Do what’s good for you, and stop depending on them for happiness.
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2. End as friends.
If you were friends before the situationship started, how about talking things through so that it ends nicely?
Being friends after a situationship is difficult, but it’s not impossible to do. Remember all the things you two went through together before the situationship – if it was a friendship you’d like to keep, then I suggest keep it that way.
Sometimes even though you truly love that person, they’re better off as your friend and not a lover.
Do note that it’s not for everyone – and if you feel like you can’t stay friends with them, then better not.

3. Say your goodbyes, it’s time to go your separate ways.
It’s not exactly the happiest outcome, but it’s not the worst either. Sometimes you have to say goodbye to some people. Maybe not forever, but for the time being.
Taking a break from that person can be good for you – you can see what life has to offer, and you might just find someone better. It doesn’t mean that you’re now enemies, saying goodbye from a situationship just means that you acknowledge your chemistry, but because of the situation, it’d be better if you two separated.
It’s a process of growing up – understanding that mutual separation happens between people.
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