Want to have funny dating profile quotes? Here’s some we have ready for you! All you have to do is copy and paste it on your profile.

Use these funny dating profile quotes to catch their attention!
It’s difficult to keep the conversation going sometimes, and there’s no shame in Googling it to get a little boost. Everyone needs help when it comes to love sometimes, right? So here’s the hail Mary for you! We’ve listed down 20 funny dating profile quotes for you to put in your profile so that when your match sees it, they’ll stick around!
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20 Funny dating profile quotes
- If we meet offline and you look nothing like your pictures, you’re buying me drinks until you do.
- Single by choice, just not my choice.
- If you’re gonna call me a b*tch, put biodegradable in front of it — cause I breakdown easily.
- Current relationship status: Wine and pizza all day all night. Join me?
- Well, I’m here. What’re your next two wishes?
- Want to play a trivia game? Ok. If I win, you go out with me and if you win, I go out with you.
- You’re like a credit card because you have my interest.
- I’m having trouble with my phone. Here’s my number, give me a call so I can see if it’s working?
- Can I have your social media information so I can follow my dream?
- I worry my soulmate is on a different dating or hookup app.
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- I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t like my kiss, you can return it to me.
- I’m a magician and work with numbers. Give me your number and I’ll show how I work the magic.
- If you play games with me, the winner dates the loser.
- We can say we met at Starbucks or something — btw, want to get Starbucks?
- I’m a Freud a psychologist is out of my league.
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Want to hookup fast tonight? Download DOWN hookup app for IOS or DOWN Hookup App for Android now and start flirting!
- Online dating is like online shopping except you’re looking for people no one wants, and it’s $50 a month.
- I wish there was an online dating website for people who hate online dating.
- I don’t have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who’d be mad at me for saying that.
- I’m neither especially clever nor especially gifted, except for when it comes to being your perfect other half.
- WiFi, food, my bed, snuggles. Perfection.
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