We’re tired of being single, you’re tired, so let’s help each other out on finding the one on Valentine’s Day. Who knows, this year might just be it.

Despite the huge amount of people using a hookup dating site nowadays, finding the one is still very difficult. But how do you even start finding the one? And what if you can’t do it, is there something wrong with you? No, there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s not your fault at all. Sometimes dating apps just flop and let you down, and sometimes you accidentally swipe left on someone you really liked, and that makes finding the one even more difficult.
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So here’s some tips so that you have a better chance on finding the one online—especially in these times where love is literally in the air.
Valentine’s Day tips on Finding the One:
Choose pictures that you love
Doesn’t matter what other people think, as long as you love the picture and you look amazing in it, upload it. Plus, who doesn’t love confidence? If anything, it’s what attracts most people.
No pictures of you wearing a mask (mask fishing)
COVID-19 really brought up this trend right here. Ever seen someone that was so good looking in a mask but when they take off their masks, they suddenly seem like a completely different person? This is what that is. It’s a real thing!
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State what you’re looking for
It’s important to let other people know what you’re looking for as to not give off any misleading vibes. There’s no shame in saying you’re looking for hookups or a more serious relationship or if you’re finding the one. This way, both people get what they want.
But we know it’s intimidating and it gets scary at times when you bluntly say what you want, so instead, use a dating app that solves the problem for you. DOWN App differentiates their swiping method so that singles don’t need to ask ‘what are you looking for’ anymore – doesn’t that make things so much easier?
Have a good dating profile bio
We can’t stress enough how much a good dating profile can change your dating game. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words, but it doesn’t apply in dating profiles. You want your dating app matches to get a better idea of you, not just through your pictures.
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Finding ‘the one’ may be intimidating and a scary journey, but it has to start from somewhere, right? You might increase your chances of meeting the one because it’s Valentine’s Day and people are looking for partners. This doesn’t mean that you should force a relationship so that you can post it on Instagram, of course. What we mean is; be honest when dating – that’s what makes a relationship work!