Have a crush on someone? Want a sweet way to approach them? Use these pickup lines and they’ll be head over heels!

Whether you are a smooth-talking Casanova or an awkward beginner, everyone can use a little help to impress that special someone. While some may shy away from pick-up lines, they don’t have to be cheesy or embarrassing! Here are a few cute pick up lines that can help set the stage for a great conversation.
Cute Pick Up Lines
- Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 I see!
- That shirt looks great on you… as a matter of fact, so would I.
- The doctor said I’m sick because I’m lacking vitamin U.
- If you’re as good at cuddling as you’re good looking, I’m signing myself up on the waitlist for a date.
- If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
- I hope you know CPR, because you are taking my breath away!
- Let me guess, your middle name is Gillette, right? Because you’re the best a man can get!
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- Are you wi-fi? Cause I’m totally feeling a connection.
- You owe me a drink. Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine!
- Want a raisin? No? Well, how about a date?
- I hear you’re looking for a stud. Well, I’ve got the STD and all I need is U.
- Can you touch my hand? I want to tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel.
- I think you are suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.
- Are you an electrician? Because you’re definitely lighting up my day/night!
- We don’t need a room, we need a lab. Why? Cause we got chemistry.