Are you confused with his distant self lately? Here’s 7 reasons why men lose interest, and read more to find out how to get him back.
20 Red Flags in Men You NEED To Watch Out For

Why is it that guys pursue women first, and then once women have decided she’s interested, he no longer is? Somehow when guys know that the women they initially wanted now want them, they’re suddenly like ‘yeah, thanks but nah.’ Where’s the logic in that?
The thing is, people do just lose interest. Sometimes that’s just how it is, but there are times where there is a reason behind it. Here’s some;
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1. Bad First Date

Maybe the date went fine or good to you, but maybe it wasn’t the same on his end. Maybe he just didn’t feel a connection with you, and he was trying to be nice and not leave you right then and there.
Think of what went wrong, was anyone rude to the waitress? Were you on your phone too much? Or was the conversation just stale?
There are many times where the dates are boring but they’re still trying to be polite, but don’t be surprised when he decides to actually dip out.
2. Stale Conversation

Conversations can get boring, we all know that. But there are factors to why a conversation can get boring. Maybe the chemistry wasn’t there, maybe you or him wasn’t being as responsive as the other one would like.
If there was ever any awkward moment – even though first dates are usually already slightly awkward on its own, that could be a reason why he lost interest. Sometimes a bad conversation is just a turn off.
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3. He’s Actually Busy.

Go back to your first date again. In any of the conversations, did he ever mention to you his occupation? What he does for a living? Or maybe if he would be pretty busy for a while?
Sometimes they get genuinely busy, and they don’t have time to reply to your messages or they seem very curt. Either way, it’s pretty much out of your control… unfortunately.
4. There’s Another Girl.

Sad to say, but this one may be true. But it’s not like you can get mad at him for seeing other girls when you’re not exclusive – just like how he can’t get mad at you if you see other guys.
Unless that other girl is his girlfriend that he didn’t tell you about. If that’s the case, then I would suggest backing away really really quickly.
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5. You’re Too Attached

By all means, do not be a chameleon clinging to its branch. If you’re too attached way too early into the relationship, he might freak out and want an out. You don’t know each other that well just yet, so getting too attached seems like a bad idea.
Reassess your thoughts, calm yourself down, and re-evaluate on why you’re attracted to him in the first place. None of that imaginary stuff we girls do.
6. Something Not So Good Happened

Maybe it was family, or something at work, but shitty things happen (and we know they do) and men don’t necessarily want to talk about it all the time. If turns out there is something that happened, he’d tell you in his own time.
Don’t force it out of him, it’s the same as if you were in his shoes, you’d want your own space for a while to recollect your thoughts and take some time.
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7. He Didn’t Think It’d Be This Serious

I guess no one can be 100% all in since the first date, but there are times when you go on a date with the thought that it’ll be just one fun date, but turns out it was more fun than you thought and things are moving way too serious for your liking.
Maybe he just didn’t expect that and needed to be sure of his own feelings before continuing anything with you.
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