Sex Positivity is important and needs to be talked about. Quote them here and share!

Sex Positivity isn’t only about sex, it’s also about body image, mental health, and social awareness. Sex has been depicted as ‘taboo’ and ‘dirty’ despite recent years of people promoting open-mindedness.
But what exactly is sex positivity and how do we promote it?
Check it here: How To Be Sex Positive: 10 Things You Need To Know
For now, you can share these quotes and promote sex positivity from a day-to-day basis.
Sex Positive Quotes
- “Being sex positive doesn’t mean that I want to have sex with you, with everyone, or at all.”
- “Before you give consent, know your own boundaries.”
- “Sexy is an energy, not a body type.”
- “Body Image is a big part of sexuality.”
- “Being sex positive doesn’t mean you’re obsessed with having sex. It means you support everyone’s choices; whether that is to have as much sex as possible, or none at all.”

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- “Sexuality is one of the biggest parts of who we are.”
- “Sex is good, healthy, and natural.”
While you’re reading this, it’s also important to note that even though yes, sex positivity is good and everyone should have sex however they want, there is still a line to that. Sex involves two or more people, which means before the sex actually happens, each of those people need to consent and be okay with it.
- “Sex is not marriage, but sex is a part of marriage.”
- “Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions. Bad sex is about blocked emotions.”
- “I believe that sex is good and so is the body.”
- “Sex is emotion in motion.”
- “Sexuality shouldn’t define anyone. The core of what you do should be Love.”
- “Don’t ever apologize for your sexuality.”

- “My sexuality is not a phase. I am who I am.”
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- “Sexuality is fluid. Sex doesn’t make us whole.” – Jean Milburn.
- “It is not sexuality that haunts society, but society that haunts the body’s sexuality.” – Maurice Godelier.
- “Self love has no size.”
- “Sex is more than an act of pleasure.”

- “I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health for the ‘perfect’ body.”
- “Loving yourself is what’s important before, during, and after sex.”
- “There is nothing wrong with wanting sex. It’s a natural need.”
- “You cannot have sex education without saying sex is natural and that most people find it pleasurable.”
- “Learning about sex is a lifelong process.”
- “2 rules in sex; One, Don’t do anything you don’t enjoy, and two, don’t make your partner do anything they don’t enjoy.”
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- “Sex work is work.”
- “Why is it immoral to be paid for an act that is perfectly legal if done for free?” – Gloria Alfred.
- “Sex is a part of nature.”
- “Never be ashamed of your sexuality.”
- “Don’t have sex out of guilt, have sex because you want to.”
- “You don’t exist to solely lose weight and be ‘pretty’.”

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